File converter and Palm/Pocket PC Programming Possibility

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Wisnoodles's picture
Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
Joined: 12/08/2008 - 14:41
File converter and Palm/Pocket PC Programming Possibility

Okay, I am having a problem trying to get my Tanscript File to convert using the Windows File Converter program.
The File is Transcribe.pdb (which is the file that comes from my palm centro)  Once I copy that over via hotsync or using my card reader on my pc, I cannot get the Windows File Converter to convert it into a file that I can use to track my stats.  (individual or league).  I haven't purchased the StatTracker program yet because of this, I was going to try the demo first.  Also I can't find the free program PlaYParser anywhere so if anyone who could help with that it would be great.  I have purchased Playmaker for palm twice now.  (I got a new palm smartphone) but orignially purchased Playmaker for Palm back in 05.  I tried to get in contact with playmaker to request my key again but did not ever receive an answer back, since my email was lost with the information.  I would love to use this software even more if it came out for pocket pc. (I do have some programming knowledge for palm and pocket pc).  Sorry starting to ramble.  Hope someone can help me.

Antonio ;D

Brian Brinkmann
Brian Brinkmann's picture
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Joined: 10/30/2004 - 19:45
Re: File converter and Palm/Pocket PC Programming Possibility

The PMFB File Converter is meant to convert Teams and Playbooks in between various formats -- not Transcripts.  I think there is a not-too-difficult way to convert the Palm .pdb-based Transcript into a text file (that could be processed by STATracker), but it's been a while and I'll have to investigate it anew.

Wisnoodles's picture
Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
Joined: 12/08/2008 - 14:41
Re: File converter and Palm/Pocket PC Programming Possibility

Thanks for the reply.  I look forward to hearing how to do this, I haven't found anything on the web except on how to convert txt to .pdb

RonenKi's picture
Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
Joined: 11/24/2006 - 14:00
Re: File converter and Palm/Pocket PC Programming Possibility

I reloaded the PlayParser file, it should work now.

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