I've been trying to define my first team roster. Often, when I SAVE a player and then load that player again, I find that some of the skill values have lower values than the ones I set. For example, I just set the fullback's strength and discipline to 100, and then I saved the fullback and opened him up again. His strength is 40, not the 100 I set.
Are there some constraints I do not know about that govern the values I can give my players? I still have 1,115 points to distribute.
By the way, I just bought the game for my iPad 2.
Please help. It's frustrating not to be able to get started.
I'm hoping for an answer within a few days. I used to love Playmaker on the Palm PDA, and I think it ought to be much better, relly great, on the iPad. I'm trying to get started.
- tobyr21
OK, I found the source of this but haven't determined the proper fix. If you release the slider outside of the control area, the release event is not triggered and the internal value doesn't change. If you release it right at the '100' location it works. The highlight state of the control actually reflects this -- it returns to it's unselected color if you drag your finger too far. It's just easy to miss and confusing at the extremes of 0 and 100 since the control knob stays where you left it.
I can now set the points the way I want, but I always reload the character after saving, to make sure I did it right.
As B.B. says, when moving the slider to change points, be careful to let go of the slide inside the slider's focus on the screen. When moving to 100, it's easy to let go to the right of the slider, and then it only SEEMS to be at 100.
That's our workaround, for now.
- tobyr21