Leopard OS X 10.5

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CraigS2424's picture
Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
Joined: 12/03/2004 - 01:06
Leopard OS X 10.5

Anyone having trouble with PMFB v2.4 and Leopard 10.5? The Game module works fine, but Chalkboard Editor & Draft do not show up on my MacBook Pro. Oddly, I can apparently use all of the commands such as change the team color or load a play and check the AI, but I cannot see anything at all on the display. I do not recall whether these modules worked before I tried to load PMFB v2.5 (currently a waste of time) because the laptop & Leopard are new.

Dennis Monbarren
Dennis Monbarren's picture
Last seen: 6 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 11/01/2004 - 18:16
Re: Leopard OS X 10.5


I haven't played with 2.4 on Leopard, but it's unlikely your problems are related to 2.4 and Leopard interacting badly.

You say you installed 2.5 ... If it was an early release (before mid-January), 2.5 was using the SAME preferences file as 2.4. As a result, launching 2.5 on the same volume as 2.4 and changing the settings would hose the prefs for 2.4 and create the exact problem you're describing.

To fix the problem, go to: the Library directory inside your user folder, open the Preferences directory and trash the file named Playmaker Preferences. When you restart 2.4, it will be back to "factory defaults." You should then have access to everything, again.

Later versions of 2.5 now name the prefs file "Playmaker Preferences 2.5" to avoid this problem.

CraigS2424's picture
Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
Joined: 12/03/2004 - 01:06
Re: Leopard OS X 10.5

Dang, after all these years of PMFB -- and it's STILL the Preference file that gets me! Thanks, I should have remembered that fix myself.

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