NFL playcalling influenced by PMFB ??

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marcovie's picture
Last seen: 19 years 1 hour ago
Joined: 01/15/2006 - 13:17
NFL playcalling influenced by PMFB ??

Anyone notice the recent playoff game (Seahawks v Redskins 1.14.06) where a pass was thrown to a receiver by the sideline, two other receivers block, and the ball carrier cuts inside for a run?  Yes I know Steve Spurrier was doing this at Univ of Florida years ago, but I still think some coach somewhere saw a few PMFB games, tried a few of those plays, and it just proved to be big winner and became popular.

fulgin's picture
Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
Joined: 12/06/2004 - 16:48
Re: NFL playcalling influenced by PMFB ??

I know my high school JV team has been influenced by PMFB.... my friend is the coach and I sent him about 100 "wing T" plays a couple years ago, he's still using 4 or 5 of them regular.  Funny but one of the plays he's using would be illegal in just about every PMFB league for having run blocks over the LOS.

What I learned playing WR is that you have to have the run block, the key is not throwing the block until the ball is in the caught.

I have noticed that many pro/college teams are doing things that were just a few years ago touted as "unreal" by many PMFB coaches.  Single DL sets, DB blitzes up the middle, DB/WR's in catch deep... many of those "innovations" have been the resulut of the Patriots.

Thanks for the post boss... are you in a current PMFB league?


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