design lateral plays and other things

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renaissanceclerk's picture
Last seen: 19 years 7 months ago
Joined: 07/08/2005 - 10:40
design lateral plays and other things

  I am still waiting for my keycode, so I probably am showing my hand a little here. I want to incorporate my own philosophy and system in pmfb. Is it possible to draft players in a league draft as just players that have a certain size or skill and change their position to fit a system? Can players be instructed to run to a certain point of the field and lateral pass the ball? Can players play both ways(offense and defense)? I am waiting to open this game up and I cannot believe what I think I have stumbled upon! Is this really a game that would give me ultimate creative freedom to implement my system and experiment with it against other insane football dictators? I hope to hear from the other 59 of you people. CIAO

pragmatic_cynic's picture
Last seen: 16 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 06/22/2005 - 14:55
Re: design lateral plays and other things

[i]"Is it possible to draft players in a league draft as just players that have a certain size or skill and change their position to fit a system?"[/i]
Playmaker sets a roster of 15 offensive and 15 defensive players.  The psotions are mostly preset--a few defensive positions allow you to change between various DB positions for the 6 slots designated DBs and the same for the 4 defesensive lineman.  I believe there are some hacks that let you change them. 

[i]Can players be instructed to run to a certain point of the field and lateral pass the ball? [/i]
Not sure if I understand the question.  Bit for example a QB can go down the line and pitch the ball to a trailing RB.  Is that what you are asking.

[i]Can players play both ways(offense and defense)? [/i]
Players are non-descript, i.e., you get to give them names and control their attributes in the five categories.  You could use the same name and attributes for both a defensive and offensive slot.

[i]Is this really a game that would give me ultimate creative freedom to implement my system and experiment with it against other insane football dictators? [/i] Ultimate freedom?  No such thing, but there is lots of flexibillity with the chalkboard (play designer) to try things and experiment to your heart's content.

dAbricots's picture
Last seen: 19 years 7 months ago
Joined: 01/03/2005 - 13:18
Re: design lateral plays and other things

PMFB is quite flexible.  In fact, it is so flexible that almost every league has implemented rules to limit some of the things you can do. Every league is different, so you can always find a league which uses a ruleset you like.

renaissanceclerk, don't even worry about showing your hand here. For example, I can tell you that on offense I like to run between the tackles with the occasional long toss to keep the defense honest and I have told you precisely nothing that will help you prep against me. Everybody I coach against knows my style and I still win my fair share of games.

You will want to get some of the additional programs that add on to PMFB.  You'll want TeamEdit in order to use 44 player slots instead of the 30 in the game (you'll need someone to send you a playbook with the subs all in).  You might want PCBench to do the subbing more efficiently.  You will definitely want ScoutPro for prepping games.  If you use a Mac, you'll want AI Governor to make changing AI more efficient.

In PMFB you have a lot of control over how plays are designed.  Indeed, you have "ultimate" control and the players will go exactly where you want them to.  This, however, is not always the best thing . . .

Welcome to the club!

pragmatic_cynic's picture
Last seen: 16 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 06/22/2005 - 14:55
Re: design lateral plays and other things

You will want to get some of the additional programs that add on to PMFB.  You'll want TeamEdit in order to use 44 player slots instead of the 30 in the game (you'll need someone to send you a playbook with the subs all in).  You might want PCBench to do the subbing more efficiently.  You will definitely want ScoutPro for prepping games. [/quote]

dApricots, is Team Edit just a Mac utility or is the a PC version?

CoachDread's picture
Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
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Re: design lateral plays and other things

Yes, there is a version of Team Edit for the PC as well.

pragmatic_cynic's picture
Last seen: 16 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 06/22/2005 - 14:55
Re: design lateral plays and other things

Yes, there is a version of Team Edit for the PC as well.

Any idea where it can be downloaded? only has a MAC version.

CoachDread's picture
Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
Joined: 11/03/2004 - 16:31
Re: design lateral plays and other things

No, I'm really not sure where it can be downloaded now. I never really used it much but do know that it exists.  Sorry. Maybe someone else knows where it can be found now...

brasho's picture
Last seen: 17 years 7 months ago
Joined: 02/14/2005 - 14:17
Re: design lateral plays and other things

I don't know where you can DL it from but if you post your email address I can send it to you. 

pragmatic_cynic's picture
Last seen: 16 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 06/22/2005 - 14:55
Re: design lateral plays and other things

Got it thank you.  The 5 other guys in my league thank you.  We have delayed our fall start up for 4 weeks while we figure out how to use it.

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