Playmaker Football going forward.

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Last seen: 12 years 5 months ago
Joined: 09/04/2012 - 01:08
Playmaker Football going forward.

Playmaker football was a pioneer in the field of football game simulations. Brian was the forerunner for just about every football simulation that has come before him.

Every single football game that came after Playmaker Football,

1. Playmaker was the one of the first games to use player skills.
2. Playmaker was the first to use the concept that a player takes up space.
3. Playmaker was the first to have play creation.
4. Playmaker was the first to create league play.

Playmaker Football innovated all these ideas.

Brian saw the future and created a game that was more complex, and more detailed, than anything before, and in the end after.

There is not one single game that is on the market that allows for play creation for both the offense and the defense.

The one game I know of that allows defensive play creation, has half the depth that the Playmaker interface had.

Brian had an insight into football, that coaches would kill for. He understands the inherent physics of movement, and the strategy that goes behind it.

Brian has the ability almost 20 years after he made this game, to create a game that re-sets the standard.